Numerous attractions and sites are found in Koh Samui. Located southwards of Lamai Town is the Wat Khunaram which houses the mummified body of the town’s most famous priest, Leung Pordaeng. According to history, Leung Pordaeng renounced all worldly possessions with the aim of following Buddha’s teachings. Before his death which he himself predicted, the Samuian initiated those around him to prepare for his death by building a casket.
Despite his death having occurred more than 20 years ago, to-date this body remains on display showing little sign of deterioration. Many Samuians revere this sacred preservation of Leung Pordaeng’s body as nothing short of a miracle. Proving the teachings of Buddhist doctrines where attainment of supreme nirvana can be achieved through leading an exemplary life and meditation.
Stay in a Samui hotel or a Samui Resort nearby and visit this historic attraction to witness it yourself.
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