Kabuki is a highly stylized Japanese form of theatre that originates from the red light district of Edo and began in 1603 as performing a new style of dance and drama on the riverbeds of Kyoto.”Kabuki” means “song and dance” and this form of theatre attracted a diverse mix of social classes unlike the older forms of Japanese arts that entertained the high class Japanese society.
Kabuki play usually tackle social and political issues such as moral conflicts, historic events and love relationships where the actors of these plays used an ancient form of Japanese speak in rather dull tones and are spiced up with the use of ancient Japanese music. The speciality of this art is that it is staged on a rotating platform equipped with trapdoors that are used as entry and exit points by the actor and the footbridge that brings the actors almost a few feet away from the audience. Initially actors of both genders were allowed to act in Kabuki plays although this changed as time went on. Women were forbidden from acting in Kabuki plays, and this is in place even today.
The Kabukiza theatre is located in the area of Ginza. Inside the theatre the scene resembles an enormous family get-together. The theatre holds around 2,500 spectators. Given that an entire play continues for several hours visitors often select certain acts they would like to see as it is not considered rude to leave in between acts. This provides quite a bustling business to surrounding tea houses and restaurants. Tickets for the plays can be pre-ordered by phone or be purchased at the theatre.
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